Legal Assistance Package
Corporate Bank Account
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o open a business bank account in Bocas del Toro please get in touch with us and schedule a free consultation call with Lawyer Daniel Anaya.
2. Draft and Review of “Promissory Purchase/Sell Contract”: Both parties should always agree to the clauses and/or conditions of the final closing. The purpose of signing the PPC is to tie up the deal, to secure the property and provide enough time to perform a due diligence on the property, as well as to coordinate payment arrangements for the closing.
3. Due Diligence: Unlike Titled Properties that are easily verifiable through the Panamanian Public Registry, the due diligence procedures on ROP is more complex since there is no centralized database of information on possession rights properties. Therefore, buyers of possession rights should take extra precaution during the due diligence process. Generally, the extent of the due diligence investigation that one can realize on ROP is the following:
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