Panama Cabinet Council approved a new Covid opening plan
On August 25, Panama Cabinet Council approved a new opening plan following a health and hygiene protocol regulated by the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Health.
Starting on September 7:
a). The construction sector, including other activities such as architects, engineer, project managers, moving and haulage services
b). Sport fishing
c). Private marinas
d). Free trade zones, Colon free zone and Panama Pacifico,
e). Tailoring, shoe stores and car washes
From September 14:
a). Curfew will be from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am, total quarantine on Sundays,
b). Gender restrictions will end throughout the country,
c). No need to use “Salvo Conductos“ (except the companies or workers that due to their working schedule need mobilisation during the curfew hours)
September 21:
Sport activities regulated and organized by the Panamanian Institute of Sports (Pandeportes) will be allowed, with no public attendance.
September 28:
a). National flights
b). Family recreation in beaches, rivers and natural parks (by province)
c). Retail services
d). Large and small restaurants
e). Professional services
f). Management services in general
g). Racing tracks
October 12:
a). Curfew and total quarantine will be finally lifted
b). International flights
c). Hotels, hostels, and any other hosting activity
Still pending of analysis: all tourism activity, non-essential transportation, recreational industry, music, art, libraries, public pools and lottery.
Pending opening dates are: movie theaters, museums, galleries of art, concerts, parades, casinos, nightclubs, and bars. Schools will remain closed.
The plan is conditioned to the rate of infections, percentage of positive results and hospital bed availability. following a health and hygiene protocol regulated by the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Health.
Daniel Anaya
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